Monday, April 09, 2007

Every Little Act Counts...

Last week i had been to pilgrimage center supposedly one of the richest ones in the world. Though have visited quite a number of times its always been a rush in rush out kind of trip. But this time its been unusual. I had quite an amount of time to spend in and around that place. Honestly i don't remember when is the last time i sat for almost 2 and half hours just sitting and let the brain do it work. I was sitting on the foot steps of the guest house to wait for the clock in my mobile to show 18.30 hours. I would have spent this 180 mins reading a book but fortunately i didn't have that privilege too. So i decided let me just observe the surroundings or rather the people around. I was trying to observe the patterns among the devotees who visited this place and the behaviour of the inhouse crowd. Right next to the foot steps there is a Tea-Center, indeed i analysed the amount of business he does on an average. Though the t-wala is doing a great business publics sipping the t-cup and just leaving the cup at its disgrace inspite of being written on every possible place not to litter. Almost every person who opted for the disposable cup has not taken just one step to put this in the bin which is hardly few meters away. However one guy has caught my attention. This reminded me the 'Safai waala's' character in Munnabhai MBBS who is on job . He is clearing the litter everytime some body spoils that place and that too with out any sign of frustartaion/anguish. He is always on prey for the litter to be cleared as soon as he finds something. If you tell me what is the great deal in this for he is being paid for the job, well the amount of deligience and perseverence he is showing in his work is what caught my attention. He is constantly eyeing at this place while doing the work on the road side some 100 mts away, walking all that way to clear the disposable cups - for he is not only making sure the road, the garden is clean he is also making sure that the work (disposing the cups in the bin) supposedly to be done by the devotees is being completed by this person. We know we are not following the instructions in this so called sacred place yet we want God to favour us in every possible way or rather grant every wish of ours creating inequations ourselves.
Though it seems like a small thing all these small events (inequations) lead to big ones in life which ultimately we would want GOD to resolve and thats what you have come here for and you are just adding more variables to your inequation and making GOD confused whether he should solve the worries bugging you or the worry you are creating to others . Since my ears were wide open i could hear people criticizing the way things are being handled by the in house staff , a thought crossed my mind they have the leisure to talk and make fuss about the system but they dont have the time to follow a simple instruction of disposing a cup in the nearby bin. Anyways i was impressed with the guy who was doing his job walked up to him told him that he is doing his job well, gave him a hug and handed him a small token which otherwise i would have put in the Hundi assuming that it reaches God... for I beleive in "Service to Humanity is Service to God" ...Pobably this small act of this person has earned him the status of GOD.....

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