Thursday, April 02, 2009

Gadgets Change Habits?

One of my recent travels to "Changi" Airport i saw this gentlemen using his black berry with both his hands, seemed to be very focused , Of all probability he might be saving his A$$ with the whole recession thing. But the bizarre part was he was in the urinal leaving the "P"da in his hands and "P" ing, and not sure where all the traces of "P" s left. On an another occasion i have seen best pals communicating over the face book as they don't have time to catch up though they seem to live very next door. How many times would we have clicked the "Get Mail" on thunderbird in a day or twittered every second or Checked your "Text Messages" every odd minute or answered every phone call though you were in the midst of a serious conversation leaving it there and later asking where were we?. As technology advances we tend to adapt them in every aspect of our daily life so much they become part of your life. Now how much of this adaption is good for us? Do they really hamper the productivity at work? Do they affect our life style? Do they change our Habits is some thing to contemplated...Probably technology should only be a part of our life but not the other way round.

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