Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Give Me A Break HoneY!!!!

Suddenly all the love songs on the FM are uninteresting to you, you feel like shutting the doors, spending most of the time alone , thats for you to realise the relationship has gone awry!!!. And the more you try to be in solitude without any discussion with your partner the more it deteriorates your condition. Everybody knows the break-up of a relationship is emotinally difficult for both the parties. I have seen couple of break-ups in my family where the concerned had really tough time for GOI (Getting Over It). Though i beleive in the institution of marriage which is supposedly according to Hindu Myth - is a relationship for 7 lives - off late the very belief in this institution has gone for a toss. Just when you are getting associated in a realtionship you think this would last for ever, you would see places together, you would do things together. But what happens after the marriage - soon you discover he/she is not the same as before and you start realising you need a private space and many more dreadful thoughts all leading to "Break-Up". But couples should realise a break-up is a loss the end of something that was special and important to you.The grief you feel can be similar to the grief you experience when someone dies. You will miss the person -the special things you did together, the long talks you had, the private jokes you shared. You may wonder what might have been or simply miss being part of a couple. Maybe your he/she is the only person you've ever met who shares your passion for a certain type of music or art. Until the thought of dumping each other crosses your mind there are still chances of re-aligining the relationship. Even otherwise i strongly feel you should give it a try to see if you can recitfy what has gone wrong in the realtionship. Probably if you dont feel like discussing it - write it down what are the cirumstances that instilled you this dreadful thought, what are the expectations - write down everything possible. Each of the couple should know this and should probably strike a solution rather than merely dumping each other. You have to remember when you can break one you can break another one too (even if you think you can get over the previous one with a new relationship). If you feel guilty for each other for breaking up thinking that you hurt him/her you should realise that still there is a room for you to get attached.
I have never heard of couples breaking up in my father's generation, but lot many in the generation after him : Is it because of the the sweeping structural and cultural changes - the scoiety to which we are exposed encourages this kindaa stuff. If that is the case i would defintely want to live in the era of grand parents than in this so called "metro-cosmo" culture.

Probably the break-ups before marriage makes sense than after - atleast in the earlier case you have had good study on the realtionship - and thats when you decided to take it forward or not , and once you decide and enter into the instituion of marriage - breaking up after a few years is something that needs to be pondered over and over again.

Though at this junture of break-ups people talk about the self-dependance and all that crap - you should realise the emotional trauma that you would have to undergo for you to come out of it. At the same time i dont say you need to just stick to for the heck of it - my appeal to those publics is give it a thought - nobody is perfect - A simple s/w analogy -We do design systems and you introduce bugs - that does not mean you scrap the s/w - instead you go over it - analyze it and check if it can be rectified. - Though might not sound a good one to defend - but you have to give a thought of analyzing it to every detail before breaking the marriage - my worry is about all the future citizens who have to live without one of them and undergo so called one parent relationship and definitely the break up is a catastrophe as he is growing.

Though I dont have the expereince of the marriage i am strongly against the marriage breakups probably bcause of the situations that i have expereinced. So i would definitely vouch for "Honey letz take a Break - Mauritius"

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