Thursday, December 28, 2006

Rewind 2006...

Everybody is busy shopping, few making plans where to head to and many more things happening, for we can hear the bells ringing to welcome the NewYear!!! But here i am introspecting how has the year been !!! As i see over the years transforming myself into a better individual adapting to the changes around me, year 2006 has much more than this. I should say i have become more open, going towards the greater degree of being Extrovert, new add ons being diligence and perseverance into my life. I have learnt a lot with the people around me in the companies i worked and the social groups i volunteer- all the factors mentioned i attribute them to the groups i have been working for. Also this year has been the year of HIA ('Huge Information Assimilation) which i have been constantly trying to catch up on over the last 25 years and i think this quest for knowledge will be alive and will grow as has been happening the equation being directly proportional . Yet again this year i volunteered for another group called "Clean & Green" where my whole perspective of looking at life has changed and this group has actually transformed me into something which i cudnt believe myself.

If year 2004 Dream-A-Dream has imbibed me Empathy Not Sympathy , 2005 VODO has instilled me the some the best time - risk- management - networking - and many more soft skills which i apply at my daily work , 2006 C&G made me realise Beyond everything there's something called "Nature" and you need to embrace it, care for it as you care your mother, this group indeed has brought me an attitudinal change within myself as it made to get down to my knees and made me feel "A big problem is to be treated as a Big Oppourtunity".

As i always reiterate the fact every passing day is learning expereince for me and so is an year. Like all those beautiful moments you do have some off days and some incidents which make you feel bad , i realised i need to live with it and probably learn something out of it than cribbing over it for we can never escape out of Murphy's Law.

I have travelled a lot this year - trips to MekkeDaatu, Sangam, Galibore, Pearl Valley, Muttathi, Bheemeswari on a regular basis, then trip to SITA, Masina Gudi, Top Slip and a business trip to singapore along with the two trips i made to Vizag this year and recent one to Kanva reservoir.

On the theatre front i have been given the charge of "Production Manager" though burdened with extra responsibilities i have enjoyed it a lot be it closing the sponsorship deals, back stage work or co-ordinating with the cast, PR work and also giving music for the plays. We were able to pull off 8 productions succesfully this year and i enjoyed every moment of it.

On volunteering with Dream-A-Dream computer workshops i thoroughly enjoyed teaching kids which tested my nerves but in turn developed lot of patience, co-oridnated couple of workshops, monsoon miracles event and now part of the fund raising task force designing the strategies on the same to envisage the organizations vision.

On the Social entrepreneurial aspect, formed "power of we" with friends -as part of which conducted a traffic workshops, interfacing the NGO's with their needs and most importantly ran the "Bangalore Marathon" for the first time in my life - A real feel good Factor till date.

Switched company after slogging in for year and half to a Bigger MNC with a new profile and slowly got adjusted to the work environment but still lot be explored and yet to contribute my full fledged efforts.

As mentioned earlier volunteering with C&G - trying to mimize the "litter menace" at the often visited public places across the caurvery basin - learnt very good stuff and met some wonderful people who had an tremndous impact on me - be it on appreciating the beautiful places of nature or those long hours of treks or on how sensitive we need to be on human relations and a lot more.

Over the years though have been very sensitive and sentimental i have never showed it out. But few meetings with this wonderful person has actually made think where i was going wrong inspite of doing all the exciting things in my life - i have been a good engineer, good volunteer, good friend but not a good son.. for me my family has always taken a back seat. And having spent a day with this person's family i realised the missing link and when i shared the same she comes out with this beautiful lines which still echoes as i re-read it several times - "after all that they have done for us if we cannot give them what makes them happy, what is it that we have achieved in life?" though soundz simple yet a profund thought. Now that i roped in this person let me dedicate few lines confering a title "influential person of the year" :

I have known her for the past 9 months to be precise 9 months 9 days cutting the HH:MM:SS. For the First time when i met her i have titled her as an "Angel" - indeed she is, i discovered it over the period of time when I got along . Those hours of talks over the luncheons we had( though embarassing i have to say i made her pay always), minutes of chats on a regular basis be it general or for the cause we were working for have always had some valuable gyan with few funny moments of ayyooo...yupppaa...non-offensive blunt shut ups etc.. I have come across many women in life but never met such a sweet person, a person whom i always look up to. She has been the same sweet person every time I have seen her or talked to her and that says alot about her character. I was always amazed by the way she priortises her chores with due importance to perosnal relationships with family - relatives and friends. Always ready to extend that helping hand even before asking for it. I have many more incidents to narrate but would like to keep it to myself as i read somewhere which i rephrased it to my convenience "Don't ever tell everybody everything. If you do, you start missing everybody". I know for sure our paths are different may not have the same stories as i had over the year but how this person walked into my life and carved a niche in my heart is a story i will tell my grandchildren but for now i adore her dearly for she has touched an untouched corner of my heart with those beautiful lines making me realise where i have been going wrong.

Overall It has been great year so far with many interesting people around learning a lot from them . With all those sweet and sour moments that went through the year i hope the odd numbered Year 2007 will be evenly balanced and has much more exciting stuff in store . Since the dawn of the year happens to be an year more wrt to my age - i would like to make simple birthday resolution of - sleep less, gain more gyan, see new places and be more socially responsible.

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