Last week had been a special week!!!. It was hectic just like any other week but something new had driven into my routine . Firstly as part of my business visit to chennai had an oppurtunity to stay in a 5 star hotel overnight. I stayed in taj connemera in chennai. After our tech briefing sessions had been to the marina beach. Hardly spent more than 10 mins for there were too many people and i hate so much of crowd for many reasons primarily too much crowd too much littering takes place and its difficult to reach out my voice to too many people out there saying "plz dont litter" . Came back to the hotel, was looking through the dinner menu , gosh everything is too expensive though i know as a matter of fact that i was at the so called *ed hotel. Though my company will pay for the food i was not convinced to spend so much somehow managed with the least borne item costing me 450 only :-) .Iit was too sophisticated for me to pass on the night - having getting used to sleep on a mat and a pardigm shift to sleeping on a well cushioned bed. It took hours to catch sleep. The next day after finishing off the session reached bangalore in the evening and rushed to office since i had to attend the global orientaion programme at oracle. Here i had the opurtunity to catch up on new people at oracle working in different teams. Spent an entire 2 days in a resort seeminlgy far from blore. Though the emohasis by the instructor was on imbibing the oracle values on us..i was chilling out with the new friends i made. Also there team building activities like rappling and other things which i enjoyed a lot, also came up with a skit and abstract add of Fevicol mixing the likes of hemish Reshimiya!!!!. Reached back blore late evening had been to the Dream-A-Dream computer session (guess need to write a separate blog on this) which i was supposed to cooridnate, famliairiased with the people who are going to take the sessions for kids and left to the our NGO (Power of We) head quarters . As part of this NGO (visit www.powerofwe.in for more details) i was supposed to organize the Blore marathon. Though managed quite a bit because of my hectic travelling schedule the other guyz in our group took over it from where i left. I went there to find out where we stand on marathon (which i advertised in my earlier blog). To my surprise we had 42 people registered through "POW". That was something great. Though i was tired having done too much of outdoor activties i was just waiting for sunday to participate in the marathon. Finally the D-Day had come !!!. Intitailly was planning to a walkathon since my body was already aching like hell. We were participating the celebration for 7 Kms. Was sure that i was going to walk. We reached kanterava stadium which is the starting point for the run. There were lotz of people roughly around 11K ....seeing the crowd there was a sudden rush in the adrenaline...i decided come what may i will just keep running until i finish the 7 kms run....and the moment has started..started running ofcourse at very less velocity.....but never stopped...i spotted people who started running with full enthu and started walking..while others just kept running. There were quite a number of kids filled with so much of spirit running along with indivcating the never give up attitude. Our group was running for "Traffic Safety and Road Awareness" - I wore T-Shirt saying "Dont Drink And Drive" . There were many good looking ladies whom i overtook..but all the while i was concentrating only on my Run. Finally i finished the run of 7 kms without any stoppages without having water in a decent time of 45-50 mins.
Aah..what a feeling i couldnt believe that i ran for 7 kms. I was wondering from where did this potential come from?? Frankly marathon till some distance is a physical effort beyond that its all the mental strength . Its based up on your will power how much can you push your self once your body is tired. We keep wathcing in movies even the hero is beaten up left right and center..still he gets up and wins over the villain., though this situation might be slightly exaggeratted..but if your will is stronger and you the have never give up attitude nothing is impossible (Take the instance of Kill Bill) !!!!. Running a martahoon is something you can cherish for long time. Now i am willing to do "Half Martahon" which is about 21 kms next year.
this run indeed has inspired me many things - importantly Nothing under the sky is impossible - its all in the mind!!!!
"If you want to run run a mile. If you want to expereince a different life run a marathon". Truly this marathon is a different learning expereince altogether!!!!
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